One of the most controversial aspects of our culture is the reboot. It's the idea of taking something that's been around and starting it over, getting a fresh spin on things. With the down economy we've been in, it's something pretty common for Hollywood right now. Why take the risk of a brand new idea when you have an established audience for old ones? It's especially popular with things that didn't go over the first time around, but there are some people who think some things you just don't touch.
For example, I'm sure plenty of Trekkies out there were pretty pissed off J. J. Abrams would even consider starting over with Star Trek, yet last summer the movie was one of the summer's biggest blockbusters. It was an interpretation that was respectful of its roots but offered a brand new direction for the franchise. It was fresh enough for the masses to enjoy yet had the Easter Eggs for long time fans.
Other franchises are in desperate need of some fresh ideas. There are a number of super hero movies that have bombed, video game franchises that have gone off the rails from their successful roots, and TV shows that started great but jumped the shark.
This all comes down to why I love reboots. It's great to see a new interpretation on a classic character we all know, no matter what horrible monstrosity it comes into the world as. Even though I hated Sony's Godzilla, it was nice to see the rubber suit get the CG treatment. Christopher Nolan reinvented Batman for a modern age where the basics are still there, but it is a more practical imagining of the hero. It's the idea of taking something familiar and giving it a new spin that is so exciting. Who doesn't want to try the new recipe of their favorite dish at a restaurant, or their least favorite? There is always that intrigue to see if things turn out better.
To show my love for reboots, I'm starting Friday Reboots. Every Friday I will discuss a reboot that will or should happen, and what I think could help make it better. Think Ghostbusters needs some updating? Maybe if somebody just tried to make a new Jaws then there wouldn't be so many crappy shark movies out there. How can Sonic the Hedgehog get back in the race? How would a ninja side-kick affect Mr. Rogers? I'll be taking a franchise and looking at what worked, what didn't, and maybe even offer my own spin on things.
For every good idea, it inspires a thousand others. That is the concept at the heart of the reboot and why I love them.
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